Attention! Fraud / Phishing Alert!
A fake COBI store has appeared at the address: It is confusingly similar to our official website. COBI has nothing to do with this store. We have reported the fake website to the appropriate authorities. -
Calendar of premieres for APRIL '24!
We encourage you to find out more about our offer. /Update/ Release dates are subject to change! -
Diorama of D-Day 1944!
Huge diorama of D-Day 1944! Watch the video showing the progress of work on the construction of the huge "D-Day 1944" diorama, which you can see live at the COBI Hobby Center store at ul. Szaserów 105a in Warsaw. -
We encourage you to find out more about our offer. Release dates are subject to change! -
COBI News YouTube!
New episode of COBI NEWS #142 -
Rescue a landing craft from Omaha Beach!
This year marks the 80th Anniversary D-Day and Operation Overloard. Our sets have been created in cooperation with the organisers of the ceremony and are marked with the official logo of the 80th Anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy. -
Dear Customers, Take a look at our offer ... -
Dear Customers, Take a look at our offer ... -
Polish armoured Train "Death" (No. 15) - 1939!
During the September Campaign, the train took part in the defense of the Modlin Fortress. We present you a video showing our own construction (MOC) of the Polish armored train "Śmierć" ... -
Season's Greetings
Lots of good wishes for the Christmas and the New Year 2024! -
Cobi New Products - DECEMBER 2023!
Dear Customers, Take a look at our offer. -
Cobi New Products - DECEMBER 2023!
Dear Customers, Take a look at our offer. -
Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger "131" - Executive Edition scale 1:12
We would like to inform you about the latest advertisement for the set Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger "131" - Executive Edition scale 1:12. -
Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger "131" - Executive Edition scale 1:12
We would like to inform you about the latest advertisement for the set Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger "131" - Executive Edition scale 1:12. -
Cobi New Products - Oktober 2023!
New offer Cobi for the month in Oktober. We will also relaunch some products that are popular with our customers. We invite you to take a look at our offer.